Staff Networks in the Student
Across the student movement staff have established a number of liberation networks. Each network is led by a Chair from students’ unions/associations across the UK; they welcome any staff, including people who are new to the movement, who self-define into a group and would like to participate.
NUS REACH Staff Network*
The NUS REACH Staff Network* serves as a community where BAME staff can support, encourage and develop one another when it comes to personal and professional development. It is very important that student union/association leaders acknowledge the network and encourage their staff to engage with this community.
*The new name of the staff network is REACH which stands for Race, Ethnicity And Cultural Heritage.
LGBT+ Staff Network**
The LGBT+ staff network provides a safe and supportive working environment for LGBT+ staff. It also helps to raise awareness of LGBT+ issues across the movement and provides a forum for networking.
**LGBT+ is our acronym for people who define as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans and the ‘+’ is representative of other groups who are oppressed because of their sexuality and gender identity e.g. non-binary, gender-queer, queer, asexual and pansexual.
Women’s Staff Network***
The Women’s staff network provides a space for women working in the movement to share their experiences, organise events and learn from each other. The network is keen to enable women to develop activity in their own union/association for women staff (including non-binary people and those with identities including woman) at every stage of their career in the movement.
*** Women and the NUS Women’s Campaign at NUS is inclusive on non-binary people and those with complex gender identities.
Women CEO Group
This is a self-defining women CEO’s and Deputy CEO’s in the student movement, who wish to connect and network with women in a similar field, share experiences and discuss professional development.
Disabled Staff Network
The Disabled staff network is established to provide peer group support, professional development and networking for disabled staff. It also aims to foster an inclusive culture by increasing understanding and collecting feedback on potential barriers within the student movement.
“Having a network where you can not only share your experiences, but also get ideas and support not only helps professionally but also makes you feel great personally”
– Ashley Storer-Smith, Disabled Staff Network Co-Chair
You can find out more about these networks and request to join these spaces here.